Looking for something interesting to read? Looking for more information about your condition? Our blog might just have that for you – check it out!
Tennis Elbow without the Tennis
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND MYOTHERAPY / REMEDIAL MASSAGE BENEFITS Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects the central nervous system, mainly the human brain. It is a disruption caused in the flow of information that travels from the brain to different parts of...
The Four O’s – Myo, Physio, Osteo and Chiro
A question I’m regularly asked is “where does Myotherapy fit in the allied health care system with other major care professions?” My response encompasses The Four O’s: Myo, Physio, Osteo and Chiro, and while I am a Clinical Myotherapist, I have had extensive...
Kick your core into gear for Summer
Get your core Summer-ready with Eastwood Myotherapy’s Strengthen and Stretch classes Core strength is so important. There’s a reason you hear about your need for a strong core what seems like a thousand times a day; we need core strength in, almost...
Get your headaches under control with Eastwood Myotherapy
I have a headache” is one of the most common complaints heard by health professionals and it’s extremely rare for someone to go through life without experiencing one. Living with headaches and migraines For many, a headache isn’t simply a pain in the head, it’s a...