Myotherapy –
Myotherapy is a form of manual therapy which focuses on the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal pain and associated pathologies. Myotherapists assess and physically treat myofascial pain, injury and dysfunction affecting movement and mobility. Myotherapy is applied in the preventative, corrective and rehabilitative phases of therapy to restore and maintain the normal integrity of the soft tissue structure (muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia) of the human body
Pain or symptoms caused by muscle (myo) or fascia is described as myofascial. Myofascial pain is usually not specific and is often described by the patient as a ‘deep ache’, ‘tightness’ or ‘tenderness’ in an area. It can vary in intensity and radiate to other areas. Other symptoms can include reduced range of motion of muscles and joints, stiffness, fatigue, weakness, numbness or a tingling sensation. There are many other symptoms depending on the condition and patients can have one or many symptoms.
Assessment –
Assessment of a joint dysfunction, musculoskeletal or nerve injury, pain and referred pain pattern, musculoskeletal pathologies and associated conditions is essential in the treatment and recovery of the client. The problem needs to be identified before it can be alleviated or removed. This is the aim of the Myotherapist – to return the client to optimal health and mobility by assessing, treating and rehabilitating the concern at hand.
Myotherapists use a range of skills to assess an injury/concern;
- Clinical assessment via thorough history taking
- Palpation and examination routines for joint, muscle and soft tissues
- Orthopaedic Testing, Joint Range of Motion and Tracking
- Postural examination and Muscle strength testing
- Testing of Reflexes and neurological patterns eg dermatomes
- Muscle testing, strength testing, body asymmetry and balance
- Xray, MRI, Ultrasound
Kylie Bult nee Hessels
Learn More
Kylie Bult is Eastwood Myotherapy’s Senior Therapist and Proprietor. Established in 1999, Eastwood Myotherapy is a company which has built a sound reputation and Kylie is proud of nearly 23 years in Myotherapy practice.
Kylie is passionate about helping clients to return to optimal health and function through a variety of tailored treatment techniques. Kylie provides a thorough diagnosis of your injury or condition and an effective treatment plan to help you achieve your outcomes as soon as possible.
Kylie strongly believes that you must look after your body – as you only get one – and make the most of it. Kylie has particular interest in working with challenging conditions, unusual or involved injuries, pre and post natal women and children.
When she’s not working, Kylie enjoys spending time with her busy kids and family, going on long drives to explore the country, swimming and music.
Joel Phillips
Trigger Point Therapy
Deep Tissue Therapy
Muscle Energy Technique
Myofascial Release
Injury Assessment
Injury Prevention
Injury Rehabilitation
Joint Mobilisation
Pain Management
Heat And Cold Therapy
Tens and A.p.s Therapy
Electrical Therapy
Dry Needling
Dietary Analysis
Lifestyle Change
Weight Management
Improve Health
Improve Performance
Corrective Exercise
Core Stability Injury
Rehabilitation Stretching
Gym Programming
Pre Natal Strengthening
Post Natal Recovery
Hydrotherapy Programming
Additional Services
Core Stability Classes
Pre and Post Natal Classes
Baby/Infant Massage Classes
Workshops and Information Sessions
Rehabilitation and Exercise Studio
Clinic Location
Suite 1/173 Boronia Road,
Boronia 3155