About Eastwood Myotherapy

Eastwood Myotherapy, specialising in Myotherapy, Massage, Podiatry, Lymphatic Drainage, Nutrition, Exercise Therapy, Pre & Post Natal Care and more.

John Woulfe

John Woulfe

John is a registered podiatrist and member of the Australian Podiatry Association

John is a registered podiatrist and member of the Australian Podiatry Association.

After having graduated in Melbourne, John has over 30 years experience as a podiatrist. He has worked in metropolitan and rural settings in Victoria, Tasmania and NSW, in both the public hospital and community health sectors, and in private practice, as well as casual tertiary tutoring.

Podiatry treats lower limb walking and running issues in people of all ages.

– babies and toddlers, children and teens, athletes and social walkers, through to retirees.

John believes that it is important to take a holistic approach, so as to provide treatment regimes that address the cause of a person’s presenting problem/s. The aim is to improve your foot and lower limb comfort as much as possible, rather than to merely provide just short term palliation. Many people are very pleasantly surprised at just what can be achieved, often after years of palliative-only treatment.

Social justice is a passion also. John is a former Board member, and still active member of, Hands on Health Australia. HOH is a voluntary organisation that aims to assist communities to improve the delivery of health and other services to marginalized people. Through HOH he has performed volunteer outreach podiatry work in Manila, remote aboriginal communities, and closer to home, the Sacred Heart Mission clinic in St Kilda.

John has recently been invited to join a research team at the Victoria University Biomechanics Unit, Institute of Sports, Exercise and Active Living. The research study to be undertaken will involve looking at foot pressures as a predictor of diabetic ulceration.

So if you, or someone you know, have any foot/leg/walking/running pain or other issues, then please come in and see John.


Trigger Point Therapy
Deep Tissue Therapy
Muscle Energy Technique
Myofascial Release
Injury Assessment
Injury Prevention
Injury Rehabilitation
Joint Mobilisation
Pain Management
Heat And Cold Therapy
Tens and A.p.s Therapy
Electrical Therapy
Dry Needling

Dietary Analysis
Lifestyle Change
Weight Management
Improve Health
Improve Performance

Exercise Therapy
Corrective Exercise
Core Stability Injury
Rehabilitation Stretching
Gym Programming
Pre Natal Strengthening
Post Natal Recovery
Hydrotherapy Programming

Additional Services
Core Stability Classes
Pre and Post Natal Classes
Baby/Infant Massage Classes
Workshops and Information Sessions
Rehabilitation and Exercise Studio

Clinic Location

Suite 1/173 Boronia Road,
Boronia 3155